Computer Science Principals 2

DLT:Use code blocks to run pre-programmed animation sequences and program Actors to jump twiceCreate a "Side Scroller" gameApply coding concepts to solve a puzzle moduleApply coding concepts to complete provided challenge activitiesApply concepts ...
DLT:Demonstrate an understanding of object detection blocksApply conditional logicUse code blocks to create 2 projects that detect objects on the Stage Activities:Tynker AI: Object Detection - In this lesson, students will learn how AI can be used...
DLT:Analyze interview notes to identify specific user needsDemonstrate an understanding of Pose Tracking blocksPractice using variablesUse code blocks to create 2 projects that use body detecting AI Lesson 7: Identifying User Nee...
DLT:Categorize and prioritize user feedback for an appImprove a screen design based on user feedback.Use feedback to create a plan for further development of an appUse linear velocity, built-in animations, and functions to create projectsCreate a ...
DLT:Discuss linear velocityChange the direction of projectiles mid-flightAnswer a 5-question quizApply knowledge of x/y-coordinates to make Actors glide to different locationsAdd more features to your slingshot gameAnalyze how the moon's gravity a...