• Categorize and prioritize user feedback for an app
  • Improve a screen design based on user feedback.
  • Use feedback to create a plan for further development of an app
  • Use linear velocity, built-in animations, and functions to create projects
  • Create a "Drop Down" game
  • Apply coding concepts to solve a puzzle module

  • Tynker 302: Linear Velocity - In this lesson, you will use linear velocity, built-in animations, and functions to make Actors move across the screen. You will also create their own customized platformer game!
  • Code.org Lesson 6 Feedback and Testing - In this lesson, students use feedback from "users" of the paper-prototyped app from the previous lesson in order to develop improvements to the user interface of that paper prototype. The lesson begins with a reflection on the fact that designers need to translate human needs with technology into changes to the user interface or experience. Students are then given a collection of feedback and requests from users of the app from the previous lesson. In groups students categorize the feedback and identify ways the needs expressed in the feedback could be met by changes to the interface of the app. Then in groups students will implement some of these changes to meet one of the needs they identified.

Improve a Screen Activity Guide Download
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User Feedback Download
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User Interface Screens Download
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