• Discuss linear velocity
  • Change the direction of projectiles mid-flight
  • Answer a 5-question quiz
  • Apply knowledge of x/y-coordinates to make Actors glide to different locations
  • Add more features to your slingshot game
  • Analyze how the moon's gravity affects objects
  • Use code blocks to create an interactive project that illustrates gravity on the moon

  • Linear velocity: The speed of an object traveling in a straight line
  • Black hole: An area in space with a gravitational field that's believed to have velocity equal to the speed of light, and gravity is strong enough to pull in everything that's close to it


  • Tynker 302: Gravity Sling - In this lesson, students will build on their slingshot game by adding a black hole that pulls in projectiles that come too close. Additionally, students will learn how to apply gravity, special visual effects, and make objects glide to specific locations on the Stage.

  • Tynker Earth Science: Gravity on the Moon - In this lesson, students will watch a project to learn how the moon's gravity affects the given Actor. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-it-yourself) module to create their own version of the project they just watched. Activities include customizing the background and Actors; programming the moon using physics code blocks; programming the alien to drop down when clicked (web) or tapped (mobile); and experimenting with the values of the "set density" and "set restitution" code blocks. When you finish the tutorial create a gravity simulator for other planets. Choose at least one rocky planet and one gas planet to create a simulator for.