Computer Science Principals 2

DLT:Discuss linear velocityChange the direction of projectiles mid-flightAnswer a 5-question quizCollect and analyze feedback from user testing with a paper prototype.Use a paper prototype to test the design of an app. Vocabulary:Prototype - A fir...
DLT:Analyze and select the most appropriate strategies to meet user needs. Lesson 4: User Centered Design - Try and Reflect - This is the second part of a two-day lesson where students are guided through an abbreviated version ...
DLT:Generate multiple strategies for meeting user needs.Organize ideas and strategies into meaningful categories. User-centered Design - Students are guided through an abbreviated version of the design process they will be see...
DLT:Critique a design through the perspective of a user profile.Design improvements to a product based on a user profileCreate games and projects using variablesApply coding concepts to solve a puzzle module Vocabulary:Usability - How easy, effici...
DLT:Critically evaluate an object for how well its design meets a given set of needsIdentify empathy for the user as an important component of the design processUse code blocks to set the restitution and density values of different ActorsCreate a ...