• Analyze interview notes to identify specific user needs
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Pose Tracking blocks
  • Practice using variables
  • Use code blocks to create 2 projects that use body detecting AI

  • Code.org Lesson 7: Identifying User Needs - In this lesson, students interpret user interviews to determine the needs & interests of a user. They then speculate on the barriers these users are facing or the opportunities that are available for each user. In a group, they share these barriers & opportunities and brainstorm different apps that could be used to address these issues. By the end of the lesson, students will have decided on an app idea that addresses a barrier or opportunity for a user.

Prompt: What do you think should be some of the first steps when designing an app for a specific group of people, especially if you want to make sure people will actually use it?

Question of the Day: How can user interviews help us create apps to meet the needs of a user?

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  • Tynker AI: Body Tracking - In this lesson, students will use Body Tracking blocks to create projects which use body landmarks and a green screen effect with live video to make it appear as though they're in various, fun locations. The first project is titled Lights, Camera, Action. They'll create a project where it'll look like they're starring in different movie genres. The second project is titled Stick Figure Dance. Here, they'll explore another way to use Body Tracking as they create a project where students will move their body to make it look like a stick figure is dancing on the Stage.