• Use JavaScript commands to solve puzzle modules
  • Use conditionals to detect whether a condition is true and only run code in certain cases
  • Use assignment operators to change the value of a variable
  • Use comparison operators to compare values
  • Use logical operators to check multiple conditions at the same time or reverse the value of a boolean
  • Distinguish between assignment, comparison, and logical operators
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to each team member when collaborating to create a digital artifact
  • Select the appropriate input element for a given type of information

  • Tynker Javascript: Conditional Logic - In this lesson, students will experiment with conditional statements, which they can use to programmatically make decisions based on one or more conditions or variables in the program. The operators they learn allow them to perform calculations and check conditions. Due at the end of class.
  • Code.org Lesson 14: Design Mode in App Lab - Students are introduced to the App Lab programming environment that they will use to build their apps. Students work through a progression of skill-building levels to learn how to use the drag-and-drop design mode of App Lab. Students will build up an exemplar app screen and end the lesson by making a plan to adapt one of their Paper Prototype screens into App Lab, focusing on having unique IDs for each element.

Model Screen To Build in App Lab
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Screen Design Planning Sheet
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Screen Team Assignments
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