• Create an event that detects and responds to user input
  • Create a digital prototype that incorporates the user flow for a computational artifact
  • Integrate all components from collaborative work into a final computational artifact.

  • Code.org Lesson 16 Events in App Lab - In this lesson, students learn how to add screens to their apps, how to import screens created by other students, and how to program events to navigate between screens. Students learn basic event-driven programming by building up the model app that they started in the previous lesson. At the end of the lesson, students make a plan for how they will stay organized when importing each other’s screens in tomorrow’s lesson.

Question of the Day: How can I use events to create an app?
  • Code.org Lesson 17: Linking Prototype Screens - In this lesson, teams combine their digital prototype screens into a single app, which they can then link together using code. They share their project’s import URLs with each other, then import each teammate’s screen into their own app. Each student works independently to add events to their code to link the screens together, completing their digital prototype.
Changing Screens
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Importing Screens
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