• Use JavaScript commands to solve puzzle modules
  • Identify patterns in their code
  • Use "for" loops to reduce lines of code
  • Use arithmetic operators to add, subtract, multiply, and divide values
  • Apply coding knowledge to nest multiple "for" loops inside each other
  • Analyze user tests to identify features that should be removed, added, or improved
  • Design and run test that use paper prototypes to gather feedback on a design

  • Loop: A loop allows you to execute the same code a number of times.
  • "For" Loop: There are many types of loops, including a "for" loop. This loop has a counter that counts from the starting number to the ending number, increasing or decreasing the counter every time it executes the code. The "for" loop allows you to execute a set of code a certain predetermined number of times. The "for" loop in JavaScript has the following syntax:
  • Indentation: To make your code more readable (for anyone else who needs to read or add to your code, as well as your future self debugging your code), it’s very helpful to indent properly. Although indentation is technically optional in JavaScript, it is highly recommended because it shows the structure of code, differentiating between code that lies inside loops, functions, or conditionals and the code that lies outside them.
  • Arithmetic Operator: For many computer programs, you will need to perform arithmetic operations on numbers. These are much like the operators you have in math, but there is a specific way you need to format them and there are certain shortcuts, like adding 1 to a variable (x++).
  • Nested Loop: In JavaScript, when you add a loop inside of a loop, this is called "nesting." The loops are referred to as the outer and inner loops. Nesting two "for" loops can allow you to do very interesting things, such as iterate over all the cells in a two-dimensional grid.

  • Tynker Javascript: Loops and Patterns - In this lesson, you will learn about loops, one of the most useful programming constructs. Loops allow you to repeat lines of code multiple times. Later in this lesson, you will explore how you can programmatically decide how long you want to run a "for" loop based on a variable in your code. As you start using loops and conditionals, you will need to pay attention to how you are writing your code. If you’re trying to debug a program, double-check your indentation! Due by the end of class Wednesday.
      • Place one command on a line
      • Spell the command correctly
      • End the command with open and close parentheses, followed by a semicolon
      • Properly indent commands inside loops

  • Code.org Lesson 13: Prototype Testing - The primary purpose of developing paper prototypes is that they allow for quick testing and iteration before any code is written. This lesson is focused on giving teams a chance to test their prototypes and gut-check assumptions about how the app should be laid out and navigated before moving to App Lab.

Paper Prototype User Testing Activity Guide (Submit in Jupiter)
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User Testing Sheet
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