• Use the counter pattern to increment or decrement sprite properties
  • Identify which sprite properties need to be changed, and in what way, to achieve a specific movement
  • Use new code blocks to repair a virtual machine
  • Create a virtual soundboard by programming an Actor to respond to motion and play a sound
  • Use physics blocks to program Actors to move and bounce around the Stage
  • Create an augmented reality Alien Invaders game

Question of the Day: How can we control sprite movement in Game Lab?

  • Code.org lesson 13: Sprite Movement - This lesson builds on the draw loop that students learned previously to create programs with purposeful motion. By either incrementing or decrementing sprite properties, such as sprite.x, students can write programs that move sprites in expected patterns, instead of the randomization that they used in the past. The animations that students learn to create in this lesson lay the foundation for all of the animations and games that they will make throughout the rest of the unit. Due by the end of class.
  • Tynker AR: Detecting Motion - In this lesson, students will use coding concepts to detect real-world motion on a virtual Actor. Activities include repairing a virtual machine, creating a virtual soundboard, and creating an augmented reality Alien Invaders game! Due by the end of class.