DLT:Use code blocks to clone ActorsUse code blocks to solve a puzzle moduleCreate a 2-player battle game
Vocabulary:Cloning: Making multiple copies of the same Actor
Activities:Tynker 301: Cloning - Bring on the clones! In this lesson, students ...
DLT:Write and apply logic/boolean expressionsUse boolean operators to compare values and expressionsPredict the results of comparisons using math or the ASCII tableUse an if-else statement to control the flow of a program.Respond to a variety of t...
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Class Code: tin5173
DLT: Be able to describe the process of computers evolving from simple mechanical devices to modern digital thinking machines
Activities:Complete BrainPop: Computer Hist...
Code.org Lesson 15: Conditionals
Code.org Lesson 16: Keyboard Input
Tynker 201
Shoot projectiles and Parallax Scrolling